Welcome to our school!
From early childhood through 12th grade, we are partners with you in instilling a love of Hebrew, Jewish tradition and Jewish culture.
Jewish Studies Religious School Program
In our program, students learn about Jewish holidays, Torah, history and culture through interactive activities, games, cooking, music, movement and art.
September - December: Religious School meets Sunday mornings.
January - Mid March: In the winter we switch to Saturday mornings (in place of Sunday) followed by a community lunch. Saturday morning "Shabbat School" provides an opportunity for students and their families to celebrate, worship and learn together.
Mid-March - May: Religious School switches back to Sunday mornings.
May - June: Religious School will meet on Friday afternoons to learn, prepare for Shabbat, and celebrate together.
Our joint Temple Beth-El/Congregation Shir Chadash Hebrew School (Ivrit) meets on Tuesday afternoons.
The following pages explain both the school curriculum and classes. For any further information, please contact our Education Director at 845-454-0570 or education@tbeny.org.
Shalom Tots [Pre-K through Kindergarten]
Shalom Tots is an educational and social program for pre-school children, kindergarteners, and their families. Children learn about Shabbat and holidays through arts and crafts, baking, games, music, and storytelling. Parents are free to drop their children off or stay and enjoy the fun and learning.
For more information about this program, see Learn->Programs For Young Families.
Kitot Alef-Bet (Grades 1-2)
Through interactive, hands-on activities, our students in grades 1 and 2 study the Jewish calendar and its relationship to the cycles of the moon. They learn about Shabbat in depth, and are introduced to the Hebrew alphabet and beginning vocabulary with Hebrew Through Movement, as well as songs and games.
Kitot Gimmel-Dalet-Hey-Vav (Grades 3-6)
Students in grades 3 through 6 participate in the Project Etgar Yesodi Program.
Etgar Yesodi units integrate Jewish life beyond the classroom through family education, community service, and practical applications for Jewish living. Today’s students learn best through engagement with others and by actively processing information that they find personally meaningful. The Etgar Yesodi curriculum builds on students’ prior knowledge and experiences while promoting new learning. It empowers them to articulate positive Jewish identifies with pride, while adding breadth and depth to their understanding of Jewish concepts and observance of Jewish traditions.
B’nai Mitzvah Program
In addition to attending religious school classes, B’nai Mitzvah Program students work with their individual tutorsand our Education Director. These students will be taught prayer leadership and Torah reading. Students demonstrate their mastery by reading a Torah portion together on a Shabbat morning in early winter. To prepare for their special day, the class will be on the bimah each Shabbat to help lead the service. Throughout the year, students explore the personal meaning of mitzvot and create ongoing tzedakah projects, both individually and as a class.
Shabbat School
In January, February, and early March, our Religious school meets on Saturdays rather than Sundays. Shabbat School allows us the unique opportunity to celebrate together and experience Shabbat practice and worship together.
School Calendar
For more information about our calendar of events, please contact our Education Director at 845-454-0570 or education@tbeny.org.
Religious School meets either Saturday or Sunday mornings throughout the school year.
Shalom Tots through 6th grade Religious School:
- September – December: Sunday mornings
- January – Mid-March (Shabbat School): Saturday mornings
- Mid-March – May: Sunday mornings
- May-June: Friday afternoon/evenings (Shabbat School)
7th grade B'nai Mitzvah students Religious School:
- September - May: Saturdays morning Shabbat School
3rd grade through 7th grade Hebrew School (Ivrit):
- September - June: Tuesday Afternoons