Welcome to Gesher!
All Jewish students in grades 8-12 from Dutchess County are welcome to attend the Gesher Hebrew High School program. Our high school program is designed to provide our teens with a Jewish environment in which to learn and to socialize. Our teachers include local rabbis, community members and include professors and students from area colleges. Students and teachers meet for an informal, delicious meal. After dinner, students break out into study sessions on Jewish topics.
Menu of courses designed with Student input
Students are presented with a menu of possible classes & have a chance to meet the teachers. They are asked to choose classes that interest them the most. Based on the students’ choices we plan our year with 2 classes offered each period. Classes offered will be changed each trimester.
Gesher Calendar
If you would like access to our Gesher Calendar, please contact our Education Director at 845-454-0570 or education@tbeny.org.
The Gesher school year is divided into three trimesters:
Trimester 1: September – December
Trimester 2: January – February
Trimester 3: March – May
Gesher meets Wednesday evenings. The program includes dinner and 2 periods of class for each trimester.
Examples of prior courses
Jews & Israelis in Science and Technology
Conversational Hebrew
Making Judaica
Jews That Rock: Jews in Rock and Roll
Judaism and Science Fiction
Jewish Cooking
The Art of Yossi Lemel
Encounters with the Holocaust
Gender Bending Judaism
Judaism & World Religions
Jewish Choices/Jewish Voices
Rescue & Resistance in the Holocaust
Save a Life, Save a World: CPR
To register for our Gesher Hebrew High school program, please contact our Education Director at 845-454-0570 or education@tbeny.org.